Thursday, September 2, 2010

How to Clean Poultry

"Singe the fowl over a free flame, cut off head just below bill, break the bone of the feet just below joint, pull out sinews, and cut off feet. Cut out oil sac. Lay breast down, make a small slit from backbone toward head, loosen windpipe and crop, and pull out. Push back the skin from the neck, and cut off the neck close to the body; make a slit below end of breastbone, insert the fingers and loosen the intestines from the backbone. Now take a firm grip of gizzard and draw it all out, cut around the vent so that the intestines are not broken, then remove the heart and lungs, along with the kidneys. Wash the inside well with cold water, then wipe dry with a cloth. Cut through thick fleshy part of gizzard, and remove heavy inside skin without breaking, Now cut away gristly parts. The poultry dealer of course will do this for you if you wish."   I DO!

The Hamilton Ross Modern Cook Book by K. Camille Den Dooven, 1940.

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