Thursday, October 7, 2010

Worcestershire sauce on shark

Being original is great, I'm all for individuality. But it's a fine line between that and jumping the shark. I'm about to head out the door so I'll let you decide which side of the line these lovely recipes from Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce fall on. The book is from the 1960s when everyone was supposed to do their own thing. Is this thing yours?

Yes, any sixteen year old would be thrilled to have this train come choo chooing toward their station. Open up, sweetie!
What they don't say is to empty your fridge of all other alternatives so that its either this crock or nothing. It's amazing how the pounds drop off when you eat nothing.

Worms on a bun, make those hot dogs fancy enough for guests! If you want to try it for Halloween, here's the recipe.

So, what's the final vote?

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